
major arcanum 15

major arcanum 15


Nepantla, as conceptualized by Gloria Anzaldúa, involves the transference of cultural and spiritual values of one group to another, specifically as experienced by people who feel the in-between-ness of multitudes within their own identity. This yields sentiments of being in a constant state of transition, which builds tolerance for contradiction.

Kyriarchy is an intersectional feminist theory that explores power and oppression depending on one’s ever changing positionality. This acknowledges how we relate to one another, and each other’s experiences within our socio-cultural worlds. 

Framed within the art of cartomancy, Nepantla and Kyriarchy inform the shared sense of wholeness experienced through this work. 

The goal of this project is to not only initiate ritual and ceremony that engages critical reflection of self and the world, but also, to reconnect fragmented identities, inspiring new ways of existing in wholeness and connectedness within the flesh.                                    


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